François Bayle

Scenic arts

François Bayle

Acousmonium, acousmatique, acousmathèque, acousmographe...





are all projects / concepts / tools raised by François Bayle and developed within the team of the GRM (Musical Research Group) that he had been directing for 30 years.

In 1991, he set up his own Studio Magison, both studio and label, for editing and broadcasting his sound and acousmatic research work.

To date, his catalog includes 103 art works whose titles are refined. Such as. «Tremblement de terre très doux» (Very soft earthquake); «Portrait poème pour Léonor Fini» (Poem portrait for Léonor Fini); «Trois rêves d'oiseau»  (Three bird dreams); «Lumière ralentie» (Slowed down light); «L’oreille étonnée» (The surprised ear)...

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