Home of artists and craftsmen out of the mainstream (Manifesto)Exhibition of works (Gallery)Theatre for exchange and debate offering services and cooperation (Ecosystem)Welcome to The Hub of Arts!
The members of the platform meet in both art and crafts. The areas outlined are not exclusive. Each artist has the same space on the platform on equal terms.
The choice has been made in two different ways. Either by previous relationships with some members either by extension. At the end of each interview it is asked to communicate the name of another artist likely to become a new member. And thus, the created chain reinforces the links of the network in the platform.
The Artpicking Association aims to provide a platform for artists and craftsmen out of the mainstream: The Hub of Arts. The site offers members to be introduced through interviews and get their activities highlighted through video workshops and gallery. With a stylish design its European vocation is displayed as thehubofarts.eu
It is about things to be seen, heard or read within an eclectic frame. Many original artistic creations to be displayed and shared by our team seeking on for latest discoveries.
The site offers a page exclusively dedicated to each member. It is a space on which artistic works are exhibited and highlighted.
All forthcoming events of our members are posted and updated on the calendar. It is also possible to go back and forth within the upcoming or missed dates.
Guillaume Jablonka est chorégraphe, enseignant et chercheur.
Présentation générale du travail de la compagnie
Concert dansé au palais d'été de l'ancien roi Philippe V d'Espagne, près de Madrid
Vendredi 26 novembre, colloque de 9h à 18h à l'auditorium de la Bibliothèque François Mitterrand
Samedi 29 janvier de 15h à 18h au Gymnase de Ménilmontant (Paris 20è)
Atelier de contredanse du XVIIIe siècle
Sage technique de Danse baroque
11/16 juillet 2022
Stage technique de danse baroque
Guillaume Jablonka et Irène Feste
Quatre suites de danses dema Renaissance, baroque, Premier Empire années Folles
Académie à Micadanses (Paris 4ème)
du 26/08/23 au 01/09/23
Colloque "Danser à l'Opéra Comique" par Irène Feste et Guillaume Jablonka
Atelier de Contredanse ouvert à tous
Guillaume Jablonka, comédien
Du 15 juin au 22 septembre 2024, bosquet de la Girandole dans les jardins de Versailles
Conférence dansée
Conservatoire de Lille
Coming soon
Bientôt disponible
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